Edward Scissorhands tattoo


So yesterday I got my Edward Scissorhands tattoo! 


This is only my 2nd tattoo and took around 6ish hours (don't ask why I thought a long session like that was a good idea for a 2nd tattoo haha). People that have tattoos will know that the pain is different for everyone, and on the place you're getting tattooed. So only thing I'll say is, it gets super sore once you reach the 4 hour mark! (And inner thigh is not very pleasant). However I'm glad I managed to get it all done in one sitting! 
It was done by Alex Wright at Grindhouse Tattoo Productions based in Macclesfield. He is an incredible artist so you should check him out if you're interested in tattoos!  

I thought I'd share a little bit about why I got it, because as with every tattoo, people are always wondering why, whether there's a meaning behind them or not. 

Anyone that knows me well will probably know that both Tim Burton and Johnny Depp are some of my biggest inspirations. I admire every area of Tim Burton's work, especially his art and films, and Johnny Depp is my favourite actor of all time. But why did I go for Edward Scissorhands when they have made so many other films together?

Edward is one of my favourite characters that Johnny Depp plays. It's also the character that Johnny Depp thinks he is most similar to out of all of his characters, and some of Tim Burton's most personal work. Other than that, it's one of my favourite films ever and I reckon that even if I wasn't into Tim Burton's work as much as I am, I imagine it'd probably still be one of my favourites. 

Edward Scissorhands was the first film that Tim Burton and Johnny Depp worked on together. And anyone who is familiar with their work, will know that they have done a wide range of films together since. Edward was the first 'weird' character that Johnny played, which obviously was the start of him playing a huge range of other strange and quirky characters.

I also love the theme of self-discovery in the film, as I'm sure pretty much everyone would be able to relate to because we're always changing and finding ourselves. I've loved Tim Burton's work for as long as I can remember, but especially throughout my teenage years. Which is probably the most significant time of people discovering who they are. And obviously, in Edwards case, he's 'not finished' given the fact, well, he has scissors for hands which is a metaphor in itself.

I love that Edward shows that people should make the best out of what they have. For example, he makes use of his scissorhands by creating ice sculptures, doing topiary, and even giving dogs haircuts. Showing that he doesn't have to be like 'everyone else' (like he would if he had normal hands) and if so, he wouldn't have found his unique talent. The ice sculptures are significant because in the film they make it snow, showing that Edward's existence is important, "You see, before he came down here, it never snowed.". 

And then there's one of Edward's most popular quotes "People are afraid of me because I am different". We're all meant to be different, where's the fun in being the same as everyone else? I'm a strong believer in that people shouldn't judge people. Just the other day I actually heard a man say the exact above quote to someone in a train station, and instead of judging him, I admired him. I admire people that aren't afraid to be different and will do whatever they want and be whoever they want. I just don't understand why anyone would try and bring people down for being different to them, when they should be focusing on being the best person they can be. At least if I ever feel like I am about to judge someone, I'll be reminded not to with this tattoo.

Also, Edward is portrayed as dangerous because he has scissorhands. People are usually scared to be different, but different doesn't mean dangerous (unless it is actually a crime but we won't go there). Which is funny really, because more often than not people think standing out and doing their own thing is a bad thing. Society has always portrayed 'different' as a bad thing, hence why we have Racism, Homophobia, etc. Despite in the film many people thinking Edward is dangerous and even 'evil', he is reminded that he is 'exceptional' and 'special', showing that being different should be embraced. On the first day of art college, last year, we were told that ''no one is better than the other''. And not only is that important in art, but I believe it is important in all aspects of life.

Moving on.. I also think the setting of the film is really clever. I love the contrast between Edward's Gothic castle overlooking the pastel neighbourhood. He couldn't stand out more if he wanted to and that's what I love about it. Edward, used to been isolated and on his own, enters a pastel, colourful and gossip-filled neighbourhood for the first time. His innocence shows that he doesn't know the consequences of actions properly, but will do anything someone asks of him just to help. I love how the film has elements of comedy, a typical romance, but is also moving towards the end. The soundtrack by Danny Elfman is amazing too, it just sounds magical and matches the film perfectly. It just reminds me of something out of a fairytale, and I guess Edward Scissorhands is a little like a fairytale in it's own way.

There are endless reasons as to why I love Johnny Depp and Tim Burton and I was going to mention some until I ended up going on too much about the film itself. But I love both because of how talented they are in all areas of their work, how they're unique and do whatever they want really, and how genuine they are. Johnny Depp for example does endless work for charity, and doesn't even care about most of the fame he even gets. I was lucky enough to see Tim Burton when he turned on the Blackpool Lights last year, and in those few minutes I didn't know if it was real life (bless me). 

Also, anyone would probably be able to tell that music is one of the most important things in my life. And the fact that Johnny Depp is in a band (The Hollywood Vampires) and gets to play with, and has played with some of my favourite musicians is the coolest thing. The fact he started out with the intention of being a muscican before he even got into acting is also pretty interesting. I love it when my favourite interests overlap and/or work together.

Even though this has been so focused on the film and not so much the guys itself, I'm going to finish up now. I am getting an Alice in Wonderland tattoo on my other thigh (to be specific, the white rabbit from Tim Burton's film) in May to go with this one. That one also expresses my admiration for Tim Burton's work, but also Alice in Wonderland in general... but that can be a story for another time.

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