The night I finally saw Def Leppard live


I've always been one of those people that can't decide on a favourite band. Not because I don't love a particular band enough to class them as my favourite, more so because I love far too many bands for me to possibly decide on just one. Which I'm sure I've mentioned plenty of times before. Saying that, I do have a few particular favourite bands that stand out to me more than other bands. These particular few are, when I think about it, all my favourite for different reasons.

Now I've seen around approximately 300 bands over the past 5 years. Which is pretty insane to think about. At first, I knew seeing some bands live was possible. But I never thought I'd get to see anywhere near half the bands I've seen, especially huge names which I couldn't even get my head around seeing. By the end of next year I'd have seen pretty much all the bands I've wanted to see up to this point, and more. I'm sure there'll always be more bands I get into and more bands that I'd want to see but at this point I can say I am beyond lucky enough to say that I'll have hopefully seen all the ones I've wanted to for years. Most of the ones I've wanted to see the most have been bands that I've grown up with, bands that rarely tour, and ones that got me into the type of music I'm into today and why I started going to gigs in the first place.

But if I had to choose, if for some crazy reason I couldn't see any band live again and I had the choice to see one final band, I've said that the band I'd have to see would be Def Leppard. Me and my brother have grown up listening to them, and given that they're my Mum's favourite band they've stood out to me more than plenty of the other music I was growing up on. Some of which, I have been also lucky enough to see live, but none of them have quite the same impact on me. Whenever I think of Def Leppard I associate them with my Mum and my brother, as if they're ''our'' band. And this is why Def Leppard are one of my all-time favourite bands (alongside the fact that they are, well, amazing really).

We have missed Def Leppard play a few times. We'd been waiting since their tour in 2011 (with Motley Crue and Steel Panther I might add, which would have been amazing!) to see them as we still to this day wish we got tickets. So when we found out about this tour (Let's Get Rocked in the Still of the Night Part 2) we freaked out a bit too much (to be precise we ran around the house in excitement and shock). I was beyond excited, probably one of the most excited I've ever been for a gig. I almost didn't want it to happen because then it'd be over.

Moving on to the gig itself, the reason why I am writing this post. We wanted to get there early to try get a good spot, but after realising we had to book a last minute hotel due to the last train being at 22.30 (we were in no way missing any of the set) we didn't end up getting to the arena until 15 minutes before doors. Saying that, we ended up in the best spot we could have asked for! I ended up getting barrier in the middle of the runway, I am still surprised how I managed to get it because I never expected that.

Black Star Riders came on first and they were brilliant! It was cool to see them play a few Thin Lizzy songs too considering some of the members are from Thin Lizzy. S'weird to think that I've now heard the song 'Whisky in the Jar' live by both Black Star Riders and Metallica! S'pretty awesome really. Vivian Campbell came out and played 'The Rocker' with them too which was ace to see! 

The setlist was (TL = Thin Lizzy): All Hell Breaks Loose, Are You Ready (TL), The Killer Instinct, Jailbreak (TL), Bound for Glory, The Rocker (TL), Kingdom of the Lost, Finest Hour, Whiskey in the Jar. 

 Then Whitesnake came on who were awesome! They also played a few songs from Deep Purple given that David used to be in Deep Purple also, which was pretty cool to see as well. My Mum kept getting carried away and blew David a few kisses, and then started freaking out whenever she got a reaction. So that was somewhat entertaining haha. Vivian also came out again! He played Still of the Night with them and that was ace! There was a pretty ace drum solo and I don't think I've ever seen a smiley/happy guitarist than Joel Hoekstra

The setlist was (DP = Deep Purple): Burn (DP), Bad Boys, Love Aint No Stranger, The Gypsy (DP, Give Me All Your Love, Ain't No Love in the Heart of the City, Mistreated (DP), You Fool No One (DP), Soldier of Fortune (DP), Is This Love, Fool for Your Loving, Here I go Again, Still of the Night. 

Then, of course it was time for the one and only Def Leppard. Def Leppard took the stage for the last time in 2015, the 102nd show of the year. I'm so glad that their last date of the tour was in their home town (Sheffield). To be honest the moment they hit the stage I could have possibly bursted from excitement/happiness. Don't think I've been that excited when a band has hit the stage in a long, long time! 

They opened with 'Let's Go' off their new album, then went straight into Animal afterwards. They played a mix of old and new which was great, and played 16 songs in total. Because I was so close I got a lot of interaction which I'll probably never forget as I never expected to be in that position in the crowd in the first place. Pretty sure I recall Rick Savage laughing at me because I was so excited when he came down the runway for the first time at the start of the set. I made eye contact with all the guys, which wouldn't be worth explaining but I won't forget those moments! 

The atmosphere was incredible for 'Two Steps Behind'. I personally felt like the crowd was a bit flat for a few songs but not that people didn't know the songs, because they did. More so because there wasn't too much of a reaction but I guess that's what you get with an older crowd, not everyone's going to be going crazy. To be fair though, this was only for a few songs and it definitely picked up later on. But either way, I wasn't standing still for anyone. Probably looked like a bit of a nutter, but that's okay. Rick Allen did a solo which was amazing! I was about to say what my favourite songs live were, but to be honest I don't think I could choose. 

At the end of the set the guys walked down the run way and Vivian was throwing some picks to the crowd. Then he leaned over and handed me one of his picks, trying to ensure that I got one despite other people's hands leaning out trying to get one too. Literally as soon as I got the pick I started shaking, I was so happy! I never expect to get anything from arena gigs. Especially the fact that leaned out to hand it to me instead of me catching one. I don't think i'll ever forget that moment. Plus, when they'd gone off stage my brother caught a setlist! Which he literally caught and ran off because other people wanted it too. We were so damn lucky! 

The setlist was: Let's Go, Animal, Undefeated, Dangerous, Love Bites, Armagedon It, Rock On, Two Steps Behind, Rocket, When Love & Hate Collide, Switch 625, Hysteria, Let's Get Rocked, Pour Some Sugar on Me. Encore: Rock of Ages, Photograph.

Overall, it was better than I could have asked for to finally see them live for the first time. Will definitely be one of my most memorable gigs and in my top few favourite ones! Really hope I get to see them live again one day. I may have posted too many photos (but at least I didn't post 200). If you ever get the chance to see any of the bands I mentioned in this post, I definitely recommend you do!

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