My favourite chariy shop finds


So I know I've already done a post on charity shops, but it was inevitable that I was going to make another (and probably more in the future) because I do love a good charity shop. A large amount of my clothes are usually from charity shops or vintage shops so I guess what do you expect? I think I've done quite well so far in fighting the temptation to do many, many posts on the things I find in them. It isn't often I post about fashion anyway so, I am embracing the moment.

 I thought I'd show you some of my most recent favourite items that I have managed to find. Although, there are only two.. but they are pretty great. Quality not quantity right?

The first one is this yellow dog-tooth skirt. I got it in a charity shop in Manchester last weekend when I was there to see The Prodigy (which I will soon make a post about) and also for a University open day. I have wanted some yellow tartan for so long, and I guess this is the next best thing! I love it because it is rather unique and I rarely wear yellow (but then again it does have black on it, so it isn't much of an accomplishment for me). I love the trim too, and how it wraps at the front. All in all it has become one of my favourite skirts and here's to over-wearing it for a few months! (Also look how cute my elephant necklace is).

The second thing I wanted to show are these boots-shoes hybrid I found a few weeks ago. I have already expressed my slight obsession with boots so this may not be much of a surprise. I also love leather and studs, and of course black so I kind of had to buy them. I think they may be a size under what my actual shoe size is, but the open heel and ankle strap allowed them to fit (it was fate). I don't wear heels often, usually if I do they are in boot form like these, so I don't know when I'll actually wear them. Here's hoping I get a few excuses to wear them pretty soon!

P.S Apologies for the pretty bad quality photos, I just took them and didn't have the best lighting.

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