An insight of my current brief


So I haven't posted about any of my work in a while! I was going to at the end of my last brief but I simply didn't get round to it. So, even though I am three weeks into another brief, I thought I'd show some of my recent work from it. (I need to get into a habit of posting about my work more).

It's a transcription brief, which in simple terms, means we had to find a piece of work by an artist and recreate our own version. Whether we take the style, the medium, the subject matter, the meaning behind it, or any other element was up to us.

I decided to use Soft Anatomy by Rebecca Ladds because I liked the meaning behind it. "Redesigning the bodies to express that our bodies are a part of the earth, we all spring from soil and water. We are made of oceans and trees and grasshoppers. Why we should all tead lightly. We share the earth".

Here are a few pieces of my build up work that I did. I liked the skeleton element but whether or not I continue with it for the rest of the project I'm not sure yet. Although, it is probably likely because I like drawing skeletons. I also like the half and half element of Rebecca Ladds' image, so I may experiment with that at some point too.

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