Steel Panther


So I have just had one of the most amazing weekends seeing Steel Panther two nights in a row in Manchester. I am still excited about it yet I am so sad it's over.


On Friday I had VIP, so me and my brother had to get to the venue for 5.30. When I previously met them I freaked out more than I had any other band so I promised myself I'd try not be too nervous again and make the most of it. When we got in we got our bags of VIP goodies and then we hung out for a little while making the most of our free drinks vouchers. We went down to meet them at 6, and I was one of the first to meet them.

As soon as Jameson said 'It's your turn' all nerves went away when I saw Satchel stood smiling with his arms open for a hug. He asked how I was and such and then I showed him a painting I did of him last summer, that has been posted on the bands Instagram page before. He was like 'you did this?!' and I explained I was too scared to give him it at Download last year because they were signing another drawing I did for them. He asked if he was to sign it but I said it's for him to keep and said it was 'so fucking rad' and kept asking about it, like what I used to do it and such. I asked him to sign my stomach and he kept saying it was going to tickle. Then him and Stix were discussing who I liked more because Stix kept saying 'why didn't you draw me?' and Satchel shouted 'because she likes me more Stix!'. Before I moved on to Stix, Satchel gave me another big hug and a kiss on the cheek, he is lovely. 

Stix then kept holding my arm/shoulder and telling me he was messing with me (when him and Satchel were messing around over who I liked more) before greeting me with a hug. I told him I was going to see them again the day after and he was really happy. Again I made him sign my stomach like Satchel. I told him I saw them at Download and did a drawing for them then, (which was my excuse as to why I didn't have other drawings with me for them). He is such a nice guy!

Michael was super friendly too, he greeted me with a massive hug. One of the first things I said to him was 'my mum wants you' so he replied with 'really? Tell her she can have me' haha. Then he got super happy that I was seeing them the day after too and I explained how much I loved them and that I saw them at Download and Sheffield last year. He was super happy and thankful. When I got another hug before I met Lexxi, he picked me up during the hug which was cute.

Lexxi was super nice as always and gave me a big hug. He remembered me from Download when I mentioned the drawing I did for them and I couldn't believe it. I was speaking too much to him and Michael that I forgot to get them to sign my stomach, and then I was turned around suddenly for the photos, oops. After the photos I quickly gave Lexxi a scarf I got for him, (which was purple, pink, white with leopard print) and he got really excited, said he was going to put it on straight away then said i was 'fucking awesome'! 

Our VIP photos ^

We got early entry for the gig once everyone had met the band, and I got barrier on Satchel's side. (The right).

So, The Lounge Kittens opened up and they were certainly different. They did acapella covers of many different songs including Steel Panther and Skindred. Skindred then followed who were brilliant as always and warmed the crowd right up, and of course they did the famous Newport Helicopter.

Steel Panther's intro was something else, completely unexpected. They opened with Pussywipped but as the curtain fell down, whilst we all expected to see actual Steel Panther instead we found midgets dressed up as the band. It was brilliant! Such a funny surprise. Steel Panther then came on and fought them off and took over. 

They played a good range, most songs being from their newest album All You Can Eat. Then even did an acoustic medley with Stix on piano of all their slower songs, so we didn't miss out on any which I thought was awesome. 

Satchel had a guitar solo like always and it was insane. I'd say he's my favourite guitarist, I don't understand how he does it. Lexxi also had a cute hair solo which was hilarious, he is precious. Lexxi also wore the scarf I got him both nights which was so cool of him.

They ended with Party All Day, and in previous times seeing the band I was too scared to go on stage. But this time, adrenaline hit me and I thought 'just do it' and was the 2nd on stage. I went straight to Lexxi, went to Stix for a bit but stayed next to Satchel most of the time. I got selfies with Lexxi and Satchel which I thought was pretty damn cool of them to accept selfies while they're playing on stage. I forgot about the crowd and didn't really think about it so I wasn't nervous. They ended the set there and it was an amazing ending with confetti and such. As they left the stage Stix gave me a hug which was so nice of him. 

Photos from on stage 

Photos of me onstage 


I got to the venue earlier than Friday which was odd considering I didn't have VIP. I got there at about 5 and was one of the first in the O2 priority queue. When I got inside I went to exactly where I was the Friday, except behind the person on barrier.

The Lounge Kittens got a better reaction this night, the crowd seemed to enjoy them. Skindred then killed it, possibly better than the Friday, and they also got a better crowd reaction. I think Saturday's crowd were more up for it maybe. 

Steel Panther didn't have the same intro as I was expecting like the night before, but I guess it was a one off thing that made the Friday/opening night of tour more special. They did still open with Pussywipped which is a brilliant set opener and the crowd got straight into it. They had more or less the same setlist, except Lexxi didn't have his hair solo, and they played Eyes of the Panther which they didn't on Friday, which I was chuffed about. 

Another difference, they didn't have girls on stage during the last song Party All Day. Instead, they did for 17 Girls In A Row and Gloryhole which, as it was only a little while into the set I was hesitant to give up my space, but then I again I couldn't resist. So I got on stage again didn't I. When I got up I went to dance near Satchel again and he recognised and smiled/nodded at me whilst singing a long, and then we took another selfie. I wandered to Lexxi again who smiled and winked and initiated a selfie before I was going to haha, so sweet. When 17 Girls In A Row ended I was at the back of the stage and I looked up to Stix who gave me the biggest smile ever, aww. I danced on the stairs/stand for a bit near Stix before going back to Satchel. Lexxi was at his 2nd mic stand at the back of the stage and as no one was near him I decided to go back to him. To my surprise he spoke to me about the scarf, he said 'I love it so much thank you!'. This was super awesome of him as he took the time to say that despite playing, such a nice guy. 

Photos I took whilst on stage ^

Me onstage 

Again, they did an acoustic medley but sung a few lines of different songs too before hand. Satchel had his guitar solo which again was amazing. They ended again with Party All Day which was awesome, and was cool to see it from the crowd considering I was on stage for it the night before. 

Of course they made ridiculous jokes all night making everyone laugh, but they were also amazing, super fun live and such lovely guys. I am so sad it's now over but I am very thankful for this weekend!

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