Three Cheers For Five Years


Today marks 5 whole years since I went to my very first gig. 

Mayday Parade were who I went to see, with The Maine supporting. At the time I had no idea about The Maine, but I adored Mayday Parade. I can gladly say I soon became a fan of The Maine and I've seen them plenty times since and have met them. Mayday Parade on the other hand I have seen even more times and have also met them a few times over the years.

Both bands are touring together in the UK again next January - and that will be the first UK tour together since this one back in 2010. S'pretty awesome that I can relive a gig from being 13 years old to me now, being 18. Especially with all of their new music they've created since then. I'm glad that these bands are still going, and I am proud to say my love for these bands just keeps growing.

I remember Brooks (from Mayday Parade) making eye-contact with me during the gig, and obviously as it was my first gig I freaked out a little too much. If only I knew then, I'd meet them a few times and get to see them a future 6 times.

Hopefully in January I'll be seeing them for my 7th and possibly 8th time. If only I knew then that I'd go to around 100 gigs in the next 5 years, and see around 250 bands. I've done a good job really, haven't I? I literally only have a few bands left that I'd like to see live, and s'all a bit surreal when I think about it.

The title "Three Cheers For Five Years" is a Mayday Parade song, and considering it's been 5 years since I first saw them I thought it fitted rather well. (By that I mean I am proud and think it's super clever, even if people don't understand the link).

P.S pretend the photo is better quality - but after all it was my first gig. If I remember correctly I wasn't really looking at my camera when I 'tried' to take photos (I literally just pressed buttons and hoped for the best). 

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