Charity shop haul


For those who don't know, one of my favourite pass-times is going Charity shopping. I love finding vintage things, old designer clothes, or personal favourites that I always seem to find: checkered shirts and boots. Plus, what's to not like about paying a few pound for some clothes, especially when the money goes to a good cause? I do go Charity shopping more than I'd like to admit, but I just like clothes too much to be honest. And, you can always find books, CD's, and other random little things in Charity shops that you may as well buy at that price, right?
I've been meaning to write a post on Charity shopping for ages but always never got round to it. So that's why I have decided to write about what I found the last time I went, just a few days ago. For those who live in Leeds, I like to go to the one's in Headingly because there's plenty to rummage around in.

The first thing I found was this long sleeved, high necked grey top with cut outs near the shoulder. At first I thought it was the shoulders that were cut out, but upon trying it on I realised they aren't (and the cut outs are repeated on the back too). It's one of those kind of tops that always seem to have crinkles in, but I'm sure with high waisted jeans you probably wouldn't be able to tell as much. Because of all the crinkles I couldn't seem to manage a decent photo. 

The second thing I found was this burgundy, black, and white checkered shirt. I am always drawn to checkered shirts or anything tartan, so now-a-days I try resist because I know I already have too much. But I gave in. It is quite long, but shirts are always better over-sized and baggy in my opinion as it gives them more ways to be worn. Burgundy is one of my favourite colours to wear too, so the colour was a nice bonus. 

Next is this baggy/loose grey cardigan. I feel like I need to stock up on cardigans at the minute for layering in winter. Most of the cardigans I have are long, over-sized and vintage styled so they are more difficult to wear under jackets and such. So although this is quite baggy, the length is suitable for layering. Plus, once again it's grey. As I often wear a lot of dark colours, I'm sure it'll come in useful. I feel like cardigans are handy at this time of year as if I make the decision to wear a jumper I usually regret it later in the day when I am overheating.

And last but not least, these tan leather boots! I almost didn't see these, and when I did I was hesitant at trying them on as I didn't think they were my size (they weren't labelled). But thankfully they were and I couldn't resist. I have an obsession with boots that I try tell myself to get over but I am yet to do so. Plus tan is popular at the minute with it being autumn. They don't have grips on though so when the weather worsens I may see if I can get any added on. I love the little buckles on them and the tiny heel though! I'll most likely be finding every excuse to wear these as often as possible.

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