RIP Harvey


So I know my last post said that my next post will be about Slam Dunk... But felt the need to post this. Today, Harvey, one of my German Shepherds passed away after 15 years.
I was 4 when we first got him, I remember going to get him with my mum. I remember being scared of Harvey's parents as they were so big (remember, 4 year old me was probably the same size as them). When we got into the car to take him home Harvey fell asleep on me straight away, I'll always remember that moment. Especially because my mum wanted him on her lap instead (everyone did).
When we got him home for the first time I remember being afraid of him licking my finger. No idea why, but hey I was 4 (he was literally the cutest ball of fluff ever). Then after a day or so, I constantly wanted to pick him up. I'd pick him up at any given chance, walk around with him in my arms, or put him on my lap for a cuddle. No idea why, I mean he could walk, but I guess I realised he'd soon be too big to pick up. Plus, I wanted lots of cuddles.
When he was fully grown, me and my brother would always play with him in the garden. Although, mostly, it was us chasing Harvey, or Harvey chasing us. We'd even try get him on the trampoline to lay with us, which he did. Any ball or toy, would of course be destroyed within a few minutes. 
Another thing with Harvey, everyone loved him, and he loved everyone. My mum would often walk to school with him to meet me. Harvey made friends with neighbours' dogs, so much so it became a habit to walk together. Little kids would think he was a 'wolf', 'horse', or 'donkey' even. Nope, he was a dog. A big softy too. 
Although he was a super softy that wanted stroking at every given chance, he was super protective. Always weary of strangers coming to the door, and for some reason men in hats? When we'd go on walks, Harvey would constantly keep an eye on everyone. If one of us was behind, or in front, he'd keep turning to check. 
Now once we got Rio, Harvey acted as his mother. They both constantly looked after each other. Rio would always have to be walking next to Harvey. Rio would pull if he was behind Harvey, and wait if he was in front. Rio literally didn't want to be away from him, if Harvey went on a walk without him, Rio would stay inside whining until he returned. Rio, being much younger, and constantly playful, would often annoy Harvey, by accidentally running into him or trying to play with him. 
Because as Harvey got older he got much more laid-back, but still thought it was funny to make us chase him if he got out of the house without a lead. (This did make me late for school a few times. He'd run, turn around, notice you were there and then wait for you to get closer to him before he sets off again and repeats).
Harvey, I also apologise for me and my brother thinking it would be funny to try dressing you up. Whether it be towels, hats, or even sunglasses. You were having none of it though. (I don't blame you). 
I'll miss opening my door on a night and on a morning and seeing you sprawled out across my doorway, causing me to leap over you all the time. 
RIP Harvey, we love you. 

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