A few Johnny Depp films


So today is Johnny Depp's birthday. If you know me you'd know Johnny is one of my few favourite people ever. If you didn't know that, then now you do!
Anyway I won't go on about why I admire him so much because we'd all be here a very long time, but I thought I'd mention some of my favourite movies that he is in.
In no particular order:
1 - Alice In Wonderland 
I love Alice In Wonderland so much, and Tim Burton's movie is one of my all-time favourites. Johnny Depp plays the Mad Hatter, who I think he plays amazingly. The Hatter is one of my favourite characters Johnny plays (I can't actually choose my all time fave, no surprise there). Anyway if you like the weird and wonderful then you will really enjoy this movie. Plus, I am yet to meet someone that isn't familiar with, or likes, Alice In Wonderland. 

2- Edward Scissorhands
Yes, another film by Tim Burton (I am a big fan of his work too okay). I love, love, love this film. This was Johnny's first "weird" character he played, and to say that, this again is one of my favourite characters of him. It's such a funny, odd, and also sad film, probably why it's one of my faves. Plus, Winona Ryder is in it, which is another good enough reason to watch if you haven't seen it before.

3 - Pirates Of The Caribbean(s)
So Captain Jack Sparrow is probably one of Johnny Depp's most popular roles. I love these films because, for a start I like pirates, and because I like fantasy/action films. But I also love the elements of humour in the films, especially by Captain Jack Sparrow. Also, the cast is amazing and I have many fave characters in the films. Plus Johnny looks great as a pirate, and he is hilarious. 

4 - Dark Shadows
Okay, oops. Another Tim Burton film. I love this film as i find it hilarious, plus it's interesting to see Johnny play a vampire. I also think the cast is great too. This is also, as expected, very weird. But, as it's kind of recent, it's nice to see Johnny play weird characters still. Helena Bonham Carter and Chloe Grace Moretz are in this film too, which make the film even more interesting. Plus, this film is full on unexpected things. Weird things.

Okay, whilst writing about those films, I realised I may or may not have dressed up as each of the characters (except the last) Johnny plays in fancy dress. (I have).
Anyway, those are a few of my favourite films that Johnny is in. I have plenty more, but I reckon this post shouldn't be too long. You have probably just realised through these films that a key reason why I like Johnny Depp is because he is weird, I guess that makes me weird. I will most likely write more posts about Johnny Depp, so in future I may write about more films, 'less weird films' maybe.
Soooo if you haven't seen any films I mentioned above, be sure to check them out! That is, if you don't mind Johnny Depp of course. 

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