Today's outfit


So this is today's outfit, in which I almost forgot to take photos of, but considering I have just joined lookbook I was eager to post something else. I took them just before I got home so the lighting wasn't brilliant as it was late, but oh well.

The crop top is from New Look and it is currently in the sale! I love atzec at the moment and I loved the combination of colours. The jeans are Joni Jeans from Topshop and I wear them in every other outfit if I'm honest, not sure how they have lasted so long. The boots might just be my new favourite boots, they were in the Ark sale for just £10! I love the colour of them, and I have a bit of an obsession with boots so I couldn't resist. I wore them with this outfit as I liked how they matched the blue on the top. I also wore a leather jacket, because y'know, the weather in England is generally cold outside.

The links of the items I mentioned are on my lookbook page, just linked above.

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