A rant


People who intentionally kill animals whether it be for wealth, for 'a trophy' or for any other invalid reason are disgusting, and by doing so are more vicious than any other animal on the planet. And people who take photos after doing such things to 'boast' are vile. Why would you celebrate killing an animal that you share this planet with? Some people even go as low as hiring hunters to do such things for them, which has greed written all over it.

Animals have just as many rights to live on this planet as we do, yet us humans seem to think we're superior. I don't like the fact humans seem to think we're 'in control' of animals, when we are animals ourselves. Except for when we protect, rescue, help and cure animals of course, in which I am so glad we do. But other than that, I don't see why animals can't live how they're meant to without their habitats being invaded, being killed for their fur, or for someone to take a stupid photo of themselves with their remains. Has anyone ever noticed that these animals don't bother us, yet we bother them?

It's a shame so many animals are becoming extinct, if anything we should be treasuring the animals we share our planet with whilst we still have them. We should count ourselves lucky to share our world with such a large variety of unique and beautiful animals. But unfortunately, as humans we are selfish and will continue to see ourselves as superior. And for the most part, this is for the worst, as some of us humans feel that murdering innocent and helpless animals is an okay thing to do.

Now I understand I might be slightly hypocritical to some, as we kill some animals for food. Which, in my opinion is a slightly different story. As in this case we are providing food for ourselves for us to survive, which is natural as we are animals after all. I wish we didn't, but animals kill other animals for food, and in this way we're no different. But in a way this isn't necessary, hence why many people are vegetarians and choose not to eat meat. But this isn't the point I am making, my point is hurting an animal for one's own selfishness, greed for wealth, a reputation of a 'trophy hunter' or just because one feels that is okay, is disgusting.

The worst part is many animals are helpless, and for the most part they can't prevent anything that we do to them. And the scary thing is, we're in control. And all that needs to be done is for us to just stop. But unfortunately we share the world with so many others that there is bound to be someone who just won't.

Sidenote: I wrote this last night but felt it was too late to post it - this is why I'm posting so soon after a previous post.

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