Blackpool Illuminations


I think I have attended the Blackpool Illuminations once or twice before, many years ago. But this year I am going to be going again, for one reason... Tim Burton switching on the lights.
Now anyone that knows me knows that Tim Burton is my favourite director, and a large majority of my favourite films are by him. So finding this out I freaked out way too much and knew I had to go. (I mean, I'm even planning tattoos based on his work).
The Friday tickets aren't on sale anymore, but are given away for free with the weekend tickets which are £30 (the first 5000). So, not wanting to miss the chance to see one of my favourite people ever in the flesh, I got myself a weekend ticket (although I'm not planning on going the other two days yet).
I never thought Tim Burton would switch on the lights, surely him being a Hollywood Star would prove him 'too big' to do it. But considering his work in Blackpool it does make sense, and the city is very lucky to have him.
I have always wanted to go to one of his premiers (and any premier that involves Johnny Depp), but until then this will do just fine. I am excited beyond belief!

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