Blog name change


So I have finally found a name for my blog which I like and that I am very likely to stick with. I wanted a name related to Alice In Wonderland as I am just a little, tiny bit obsessed with it. 

The Mad Hatter is my favourite character, (and not just because Johnny Depp plays him in the Tim Burton Alice In Wonderland movie). Many names that I thought of using were already taken but I finally decided on themadhatterswritingdesk, thankfully it wasn't taken by another blog.

Anyone who is a fan of Alice In Wonderland may know that the Hatter often asks Alice "Why is a raven like a writing desk?" and this is one of my favourite quotes. So I thought it'd be quite clever to incorporate it with Mad Hatter in my blog name, considering it comes from him. Also the writing desk can be a metaphor for my blog, because blogs are for writing after all.

I am hopefully going to design a header related to my blog name, so I'll be working on doing that asap. Yay Alice In Wonderland!

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