Things to do when you're not feeling yourself


I thought i'd make a list of things to do when you're not feeling quite yourself, if you're upset or if you generally need to distract yourself from everything going on in your mind. So here are a few things I find helpful.

1) Listen to music
Music sometimes makes me think more depending on the song. But I usually try go for something upbeat to avoid that. More often than not I like to go straight for Steel Panther as they instantly put a smile on my face, because I find them hilarious. So I advise going for some music that you know makes you feel happy. Although, I do find myself listening to sadder songs sometimes - I think we all have those moments.

2) Watch something
I like to go for one of my favourite movies (usually with Johnny Depp in) because I know i'll enjoy it, but I also find binge watching a series also helps pass time, as I think we all know. Watching something new also keeps your mind distracted from thinking about other things. Or you can roam around on Youtube, plenty of interesting stuff on there. 

3) Tidy your room. 
I find that tidying up my room or organising things help keep me focused and stops me from thinking so much. It's kind of therapeutic really, and it takes a lot of time so it allows your mind to rest for a bit. And it's always nice to come across things you forgot you even had. Plus, it makes you feel like you've got your life sorted out for a bit. 

4) Playing a game
Playing games can be a little escape from reality (though I usually go on The Sims 4 and try not to cause chaos. But sometimes I just can't help myself). Again, it takes your mind off things and keeps you focused on the game rather than other things. Plus, they're fun (unless you're competitive and end up getting stressed, which is what happens if I play Fifa with my brother.. but moving on).

5) Reading
Sometimes I forget just how much I love reading as I feel like I don't do it enough. Getting stuck into a book is a really good way of distracting your mind as your head is in the book. It keeps your mind wondering what's going to happen next and such. Plus, you probably will find it hard to put down if it's a good one (then you'll realise it's 2am and you need sleep).

6) Drawing
I usually combine this with music or a movie in the background. Drawing helps when I need to distract myself as I focus on the drawing and the outcome, even if it's just a simple little doodle. Plus it can be therapeutic (as shown by those stress relief colouring books that are popular at the minute - if you are convinced that you can't draw, those are a good idea). 

7) Going for a walk. 
I am obsessed with the sky so I'd happily go for a walk just to stare at it at any given chance (it's quite sad but that's okay). I love how peaceful walks can be (well, I guess it depends) and it's a good way to just appreciate the little things instead of worrying or thinking. I find it a good way to clear my head.

8) Spending time with people
Sometimes you get those moods where you just don't want to see anyone and that's okay. But sometimes seeing your friends or family will soon make you feel a lot better than you first think. A catch up with your friends will soon lift your spirits when you remember how hilarious you are (in my case anyway). 

9) Shopping.
I don't really need to say much on this, everyone knows buying something new is exciting. Y'know that feeling you get when you get new clothes and you instantly plan when you're going to wear them? Or being excited to go home after buying that new CD, that new game, or that book you've been planning on reading for ages. Or food, food is nice too.

10) Sleeping
I am one of those people that think about everything and anything for ages before I go to sleep. So I often listen to music before I sleep to prevent that (and make up scenarios in my head usually). So count yourself lucky if you can sleep almost instantly! I find sleeping helps as let's face it, sleep solves everything. And c'mon, who doesn't love sleep? At least you aren't in control about what is happening in your head that way. Plus dreams are always a nice surprise to wake up to (if you can remember them). 

11) Procrastinating. 
Sometimes you just don't feel like doing anything. I spend a lot of time procrastinating on Tumblr or other social networks, but then I feel that it just gets to a certain point. I feel like I can only procrastinate for so long when I'm feeling upset or not myself, until I realise I'm still in that mindset. So I try to convince myself to do something productive after I've had my fair share of procrastinating.

12) Writing a blog post
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing right now. I find writing helps, just to get some things off my mind. I like to remind myself of positive things if I'm upset or not feeling myself. Although sometimes I just don't listen to myself, and that's why I thought this would be a good post to look back on. 

I hope you found this post somewhat useful!  

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