Throwback to 2 years yesterday


I was going to write this yesterday but unfortunately I didn't get round to it. So, two years yesterday, I saw Issues (on their first UK tour) among Crown The Empire, and it's safe to safe it's one of my most memorable gigs.
To start with, I met some new people in the queue, in which we spent all day in. We queued at 12am, and kept having to let people save our places whilst we wandered. And by wandered, I mean keep checking the back of the venue for the bands to arrive.
When they did arrive however, me and my friends were the most awkward bunch. We couldn't decide if we wanted to speak to the band members there and then, or give them space. We didn't want to be annoying, and we'd rather respect them. But we also didn't want to miss any chances, so we did in the end meet a few members upon arrival. 
Sky and Scout from Issues were telling us about some presents they had gotten for their family, and then broke out in 'What Did The Fox Say'. My favourite moment meeting them pre-gig was asking Michael to sign my drawing of him (in which he 'liked' on Instagram previously). He thought it was amazing, and I think it's the best thing ever when people I admire compliment me on my work, or in general. 
In the queue we started a few sing-a-longs. Including Bon Jovi, which we had an ongoing joke about (because Michael's surname is Bohn). We even got up and did the Cha Cha slide at one point. It was a fun time indeed, and although I am older now, I do miss queuing all day for gigs.
Then we got in the venue, and got right to the front. This was in the Cockpit, aka my all time favourite venue (RIP!) and it had no barrier. So it got pretty crazy to say the least due to how intimate it was.
Crown The Empire opened up who were brilliant, I have seen them plenty of times since. I was beyond excited for Issues, as It was my first time seeing them and they were awesome. And then this thing happened, which made the night take a turn. Tyler Carter, one of the front-men, dropped his microphone on my face. Yeah. Just like that. He shouted sorry but obviously couldn't stop playing. But throughout the rest of the set he kept talking to one of the bands' crew members.
After the set ended that exact crew member came over to me and asked me to meet him. I then met him at this door leading into a backstage area, in which he gave me a free T-shirt (so kind!) and kept checking I was okay. That was until I went inside and met Tyler, which was such a cool moment. He was so kind and was genuinely sorry and if I'm honest I was mostly starstruck so I was happy for him to keep talking forever.Then we went back outside to the merch area and took plenty of photos, I got to tell him how thankful I was and he was so good to his fans, taking as long as possible with anyone that wanted a photo or a signature. 
I then met the rest of Issues and Crown The Empire, all of which are amazing guys. The crew member even kept coming back and checking I was okay. Nothing better than realising some of your favourite bands are as nice as you'd hope they'd be, or more. We ended up being the last fans at the venue and Tyler and Andy from Crown The Empire kept pretending to film us and doing impression of fans in America (because apparently they are very different to us). And as it was the last night of tour Tyler set off the fire extinguisher, resulting in us standing outside with all the band members running around and blaming each other, among other things.
It was definitely an interesting night, and i'll never forget it. 
Also, after writing about the gig after it had just happened, Issues followed me on Tumblr and liked my post with the comment 'love you!'. They really are amazing guys. 
I would post photos but there is so many! If you're interested you can check them out on my Instagram page (though you may have to do some scrolling). 
So that is that! Hope you enjoyed a little random gig story of mine.

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